HISTORY GROUPS Study groups develop INTERCOLLEGIATE SOC IETY OF INDIVIDUALISTS. Hampton , Boiley, Dickson, Eshelman, Jones . interest world affairs • In Through a study of history and an examination of the economic, social, and political achievements of contemporary systems of government, special interest groups in the social science area help Harding students develop a keener interest in current problems and world affairs. Phi Alpha Theta, a na tional honorary history society, recognizes and promotes superior scholarship in the field of history. New members were welcomed at the spring banquet. Through field trips and other activities, Pi Gamma Psi gave accounting students an insight into the activities of professional accountants. "Comparative Economic Systems of Government" was the theme of study for the American Studies group for 1960-61. Films and guest speakers gave new meaning to the American way of life. Composed of outstanding students in education, social science, and business, this group made trips to St. Louis and Cincinnati to observe various aspects of the American economic system. To learn more about capitalistic and communistic systems, th e Intercollegiate Society of Individualists and the Student Study Group for Constitutional Government met for films, lectures, and discussions. AMER ICAN STUDIES. FRONT ROW: Roberts, Sponsor, Wellborne. Sponsor, lyon , Sl inkard. lentz, Combs. Heffington , Mclellan . SECOND ROW: Underwood, Spon~r. Anderson . Overturf, Alley, Tucker, Tullis, Goad, Figg ins , Seastrunk, Eshelman , Morgan . THIRO ROW: Ganus, Sponsor. Hedrick, Sponsor, Jones, Akin, lambert, Redding . 140