With the goal of creating a greater interest in science, the Science Club this year has planned varied activities. Included in these were fi eld trips to the Little Rock Weather Bureau and the Arkansas Power Company. Throughout the rest of the year the club planned scientific films and brought in guest lecturers, including Dr. Samuel Siegel of the University of Arkansas and Dr. Howard Flippin, a local optometrist. To climax the active year, members of the club set up and the Regional Science Fair. Desiring a knowledge of photography for avocational and professional reasons, memof the Camera Club spent many hours to- . Searching for just the right shots, learning develop film, and making prints were some of . activities. Photography contests among the added a spirit of competition and enprofessional standards. \ \ CAMERA CLUB. LEFT ROW; Adkerson . Ramsey. French , Bailey. RIGHT ROW: Mclaury, Dishner, Klemm. lawhon . ClUI. FRONT ROW: Eckerberg , Anderson , lawson, Sponsor, Klemm. ROW, 'lowson, Gordner, Tandy, Brown . DURING Q Science Club four of the physics lab Hormon Brown urges David Starling on as he fr ies to separate two vacuum bolls. 139