COlHECON. FRONT ROW, Pursley; Mills, Shappley, Jackson; Tobey; Cunn ingham, Climer, Stanford, E. Davis. SECOND ROW, Dennington, Harrell, C. Bissett, Henry , Woodhom, J. Davis, Pritchett, McCullough. THIRD ROW, McElroy, Albrillon, leonard, Rinehart, Stapleton, Cope, Coburn. FOURTH ROW: Smith, Ba ird; MillS, Hollis, McNeil, Wood, Creigh ton . NOT PICTURED: Baker, Simpson, Hart, Stewart, lynxwiler, Miller, Jell, Haney, Dobbs, Gorrell, larkin , Cooper. SPECIAL INTERESTS Common interests provide organization stimulus 138 "Miss Coed Today and Tomorrow," was the theme chosen by the Colhecon club for the year 1960-61. The Colhecon club strives to develop knowledge, abilities, and skills in its members which will help them in choosing their clothing, decorating ilicir rooms, serving as hostesses, and using their time today and in the years to come. Open to all girls, the Colhecon club encourages any girl who is interested in learning to become a more efficient homemaker to join. Some of the outstanding activities include a reception for all graduating seniors at the end of the year, a trophy to the outstandinl\" junior or senior in the field of Home Economi cs, Christmas gifts to an orphan's home, and a fashion show composed of gi rls in the Home Economics clothing classes. COlHECON. FRONT ROW: N. DaVee, T. DaVee, Davis, Flake, Obrecht, Rep. SECOND ROW: Dannell, Westbrook, Pres.; Barrett, Hist.; Cooper, Bissett, Wise. THIRD ROW: Aaron, Buchanan, Green, Sherraden, Treas .; Haney, Vice· Pres .; Prysock, Thompson, Sponsor.