SNEA. FRONT ROW, R. Reynolds. J . Reynolds , Bailey, Goins , McBride . Bolen , Cheek, Volentine, Anderson , Wood, Scott, Turner, Phillips, leonard. Richardson, S. Bla ir. O. Bla ir. SECOND ROW; Vardaman , Hulett . Rogen. Dorris, Harter , Naylor, Climer, Howell . Cobb. Hampton , E. Pierce. Coffman, Ra msey, Gatewood. Meadows. THIRO ROW, Davis. Riley, Harbour , McMahon , T. Smith . B. Cobb, S. Phill ips, Thompson, Brooks. Biggers, Von Rheenen, lee, Honey. Dunn , Tullis, M. Phillips, Herrington , Montgomery. Sponsor. FOU RTH ROW. lynxwiler, Crumb, Hicks , Patterson , Gentry . Grady. Williams, Key, Corson, Johnson, l a mber t, Pursell , Robinson , Cox, Green , Niemeyer, Bowcom. G . Davis. FIFTH ROW, Lentz , Rinks , Thompson . Prysock, HickingboMom, Dishner. McLaury, Herndon . . SPECIAL INTERESTS Groups offer services to campus and community 136 The SNEA has been active this yea r sponsoring children 's programs in the Harding Elementary School and helping to strengthen Future Teachers' Clubs in nearby high schools. They have sent one representative to the national convention and have nominated two others for state offices . The Circle K Club is notcd for its willingness to serve the campus and commun ity with worthwhile projects. One of its projects this year was putting copies of thc alma mater in the chapel song books. Big Sisters playa big part in helping new students adjust to college life. They begin in the summer by corresponding with prospective students and carryon their work in the fall by greeting the new arrivals a nd planning dorm parties and teas for them. CIRCLE K. FRONT ROW, Hampton . Wh itten , Sounders . Keckley. SECOND ROW, Goston , Motthews. Goad, Eschelman . THIRD ROW, Sheets, Dickson, Ford . Walton . FOU RTH ROW, Ba iley. Jones, Davis , Greenway.