.. lAPPA DELTA . FRONT ROW: Brown, Knore, Claypool, Anderson. SECOND ROW: l emmon , Blake, Thompson. THI RD ROW: Rhodes, Amold, Cox, Ul rey.. Campus debaters compose the membership the national forensic fraternity, Pi Kappa DelOn the national level, Pi Kappa Delta conseveral annual speech meets which include alnte'sts in oration speaking, after dinner speakextemporaneous speaking, and debating. The Hal~irlg Chapter participated in all of the events year and won numerous superior and excelratings in each of the meets. On the local the club gives debate demonstrations and year presents a Pi Kappa Delta trophy to sorial club that wins the Harding College Arts Tournament. Students interested in art find their common group in the Bijitsu club. In addition to pilla parties and spaghetti suppers, the memhave the opportunity to make day and weekto attend special arts exhibits in the sur- -.wnding museums and schools. The orgalizaproject this year was selecting each month the work of campus artists the " Pictures of Month" to be exhibited in the Ganus Student FRONT ROW, Richardson . Harbour. SECOND ROW: Stowe, Hockett, We~ferholm. Mason . THIRD ROW, Hodley, Tipfon, lee, 135