SPEECH GROUPS Debate and dramatics highlight many activities CAMPUS PLAYERS . FRONT ROW: Walker , Berryhill . Robinson , Grady. SECOND ROW: Unland, Cole, Hadley, Hendrix. Clayton , Popplewell. THIRD ROW: Claypool . Alexander , Mosters , Holland , Sponsor. FOURTH ROW: Brewer. McRae , Sanders . Smith . Wise, Griffin , Farris . 134 Campus Players is an "on the job training" organization . The members learn from their numerous experiences in producing the several one-act plays and the three major productions. The Campus Players are responsible for supplying the actors, the directors, the costl'mes, and the make-up. Three major plays for lyceum programs this year were Bell, Book, and Candle, The Diarr of Anne Frank, and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. Alpha Psi Omega is an elite group who have completed rigid initiation requirements and were invited to become lifetime members of this drama fraternity. The talents of this group are used in presenting programs for civic clubs, banquets, and other speech groups. ALPHA PSI OMEGA. FRONT ROW: O. Cloyton , Hendrix, Holland, B. Clayton . SECOND ROW: Adoy , Alexander, Grady.