MUSIC GROUPS Traveling musical groups represent the college Numerous musical opportunItI es a re avai l - able to students a t Ha rding. Among the mos t popu lar of these is the Harding College Chor al e . The members of thi s organi za ti on a ppea r each year durin g Lectureship Week, at va riou s hi gh schools, and on several telev ision progr ams. High - li~hting thi s yea r 's ac ti vities was a tour of Loui siana . This group also played an important pa rt in staging the annual opera. Students ga in en joyment a nd add much to the school 's spirit hy pa rti cipa ting in the ha nd . This group performs in assembly p rogra ms and takes part in the band clinic held for Arkansas universiti es and coll eges. They pl ay for bas ket ba ll and football games and perform during ha lf-time. Eddie Baggett is the ca pable director of the band, the choral e, and the hi gh school chorus. A group which is important in obta ining publicity for the school is the newly-named MelloChords. This group has an ex tremely busy sched - ule, del ightin g many high sch ool assemblies, banquet attendants, television audiences, and civic groups with their antics and songs. INTERPRET ING music through the voices of the Harding Chorale. M r . Eddie Boggett directs the singing group with patience. vigor, and enthusiasm. lAND. FRONT ROW Juneau , Johnson, Sec.; Monor , Bix ler , Nelson , Spaulding, Simon. Gorner. SECOND ROW: Brewer, Pritchett, Poole. Stevens. Hubbard. liNhor ' A~hby, lawson, Gonus. Colvert, Vice· Pres. THIRO ROW: Grady, Rickell, Kirk. Smothermon, Russell STANDING, Hicks, Jenkins, Nelson, Tucker , "-' (O",(lOIon, Bogget!, Heid 133