MUSIC GROUPS • A cappella members sing with high purpose BELLES AND BEAUX . FRONT ROW, K. Davis, Bolen, Faulk, Hall , A. Berryhill. SECOND ROW: B. Davis, Good, Sisco, Bowman, A. Davis. THIRD ROW; Tucker, Priest, D. Berryhill. Atkinson. THIRD ROW: Yotes, Howard, Goyne, Wilson, lucas . Members of Harding's A CAPPELLA chol1ls have a common goal which, together with the many hours spent together in rehearsals and tours, serves to bring them closer toge ther . This goal is to use their voices to praise and glorify God in song. The chol1ls accomplishes their goal through numerous activities. Their radio program, "Hymns from Harding," is heard every week in 48 states. The fall tour took 42 members of the group throu!,h the state of Texas. Points in Mississippi, Ala barna, Louisiana, and F10rida were visited during the spring tour . The group also appeared on chapel, lectureship, and television programs, in community concerts, and in various weddings. Dr. ErIe T . Moore is the able director of the choms. . Chosen to tour th e Far East were eighteen members of the A CAPPELLA. These students, together with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis, formed the Harding Belles and Beaux who entertained thousa.nds of service men in Japan , Korea, Hawaii, Iwo Jima , and Okinawa. A CAPPELLA . FRONT ROW· Juneau, Bolen, Berryhill. Sec.-Treas.; Smilh, Welch. Thomas, Mehl, Snowden, HolI, Davis, Woddi II, Faulk, Knott, Rinehart, Bowman, Good, Sisco. SECOND ROW: Davis, Cobb, Payne. Kirkpatrick, Cobb, Ganus, Sonders, Tucker, Berryhill, Bailey, Hershey, Casey, Northcut, Houser, Simon THIRD ROW: Hester, lawyer, Hobby, Berryhill, Mihan, Cheot hom, Atkinson, Monjikul, Burks, Qualls, Farris, Sullins, Watson, Tucker. FOURTH ROW, Hunter, lucas, Vice.Pres.; Farris, Kirk, Yates, Osburn, Colven, Stillinger, Goyne, Jones. Miller, Collins, Pebworth. Rhodes. Howard, Pres. 130