RELIGIOUS GROUPS Combined mission club efforts result in workshop EUROPEAN CLUB. FRONT ROW: O 'Connor, leatherwood, Phillips, Mabry, lyon . SECOND ROW: Johnson , Sponsor; Eichmann, Pres .; Bryant . Sec.; Howard, Vice-Pres . THIRD ROW: Bowman , Thompson , Anderson, Mclain, Sherroden. McCullovgh , VonRhennen . NOT PICTURED, Scult; Horner, Killion, Christmas, Edington , Walgreen, Mclain . Through membership in vanous religious groups, students gam spiritual perspective. Though not all the members plan actually to go to mission fi elds, each on e is interested in broadening his knowledge and understanding of the languages and customs of th e particular countries studied. Hi ghlighting the year 's activities was the Mission W orkshop, January 5-6. Sponsored by Abilene Christian College and h eld on Harding's centrally-located campus, this meeting was attended by students of seven Christian colleges. Other activities included interesting programs presented each meeting, cor respondence with those on the mission fields, displays during Lectureship Week, and a combined monthly meeting of all the clubs. Taking God's word to the deaf is one of the responsibilities of Christians. Reali zing this, the members of the Dactylology Club seek to become adept in th e u se of sign language and to learn more abou t the deaf. Visits to the Arkansas School for the Deaf and a return vi sit by students from this sch ool were of special interest. AfRICAN CLUB . FRONT ROW: E. Pierce. Hoynes, J. Pierce. Rowe. Sponsor . SECOND ROW: Shewmaker, Rep.; Crookshank , Pres.; Dennington . THIRD ROW: Mays, Jorgen . son, Short, Thornton . NOT PICTURED: Randolph , Vice-Pres.; Thompson , Durg in, Gardner, Johnson. AUSTRALI AN CLUB. FRONT ROW : M assey, Sec.- Trea s.; Mills. SECOND ROW: B. Brown , Sponsor; Thompson, Forror. THIRD ROW: Parker, Pres.; Doug loss, Vice- Pres.; S. l. Brown . NOT PICTURED: Qualls, Publ icity Director; Butterfield, Ch~thom , Atwood , Hendrix, Key, B. W ille, C. Will e. 128