.,IIT ,own is chorocteristic of Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, and his work is inspiration • the sloff. Mony editorial worries are lessened by the valuable counsel he gives . CAPTURING moments on film for the yearbook, photographer Harold Tandy spends much of his free lime in the dorkroom. JEAN STAFF. FRONT ROW, Stein, Borrell, Watts, Welch, Hampton, Herrington , Richardson, Westbrook, Mooney, Worley, Mock, Hunter , Groff SECOND ROW Poce, Horvath, Johmon, Buchanon , Boker, Hollis, Robertson, Honey, Hendr ix, Blackwell, Bailey, Climer, Dook. THIRD ROW, Herndon, O'Connor, Klemm, Millon, Baucom, (illy, Stringer, Matthews, Atkinson, Brown, Knopp, Jerr, Johnson.