PETIT JEAN Planning design of yearbook started last spring COOPERATING in the production of a creative project , the PETIT JEAN, ore Dick Mock. Business Manager, and Joan lyon , Editor. Joan spends hours unifying 'he efforts of her stoff inlo a consi stent representation of the year . Dick directs the selling of advertising and 'he designing of his section . 126 Before the prize-winning 1960 Petit Jean was printed, Joan Lyon, 1961 editor, was busy making plans and organizing the staff to produce another yearbook. By the time school opened in September, section editors and other staff members were ready to do the innumerable tasks involved in producing the 1961 Petit Jean - taking pictures, writing copy, reading proofs, and checking layouts. Dick Mock, business manager, prepared the yearbook budget and guided the business staff in advertising sales. Work on the 1961 Petit Jean was stimulated by the recognition which the 1960 book received in state and national competition . At the fall meeting of the Arkansas Collegia te Press Association in Hot Springs, the 1960 Petit Jean received first place in all categories judged: photography, typography, editorial planning, layouts, and copy writing. A few weeks later the Associated Collegiate Press announced that the Petit Jean had achieved an All-American rating and had received the highest number of points for the books in its division of the contest. When the final pages of the 1961 yearbook were submitted to the printer, key staff members drove to Oklahoma City to check final page proofs. The climax of the year's work was the dedication and distribution of copies to fellow students.