• llSON STAFF. FRONT ROW: Norlon, Gatewood. Baker, Claypool, Howell , Dorris. SECOND ROW: Dook. Stevens, Endres, Boch, Sherroden, Walgreen, Angel, Adey. Arnold, Finley. Tarbet, Hadwi n , Privill. McCoy. Dr. Ulrey. Edno Dorris resuhs of a debate tournament. NATION-WIDE circulation begins with Gaylon Boch ond Goston Tarbet's preparing BrSONS for d istribut ion . CORRECTING mistakes in cOpy before it is printed is just one of copy editor Kay Doak ' , responsibilities. eXPER IENCE with newspapers and journalism enables Ne il Cope 10 anist the stoff with special problems. DILIGENT Dee Calvett. a weekly columnist for the BISON , dec ides on a quip for his originol Dee C's. 125