BISON Student paper reports, interprets campus events SHOULDERING one of the heaviest student responsibilities, BISON editor Royce Bankhead supervises the weekly gothering and publishing of new s. CONCERNED with Ihe solici ting of advertising and The hondling of th e fi nances of the newspaper is lorry Hond, business manager of Ihe BISON. 124 More th a n three hundred hours a re ex pend - ed each wee k in the publi ca ti on o f th e Bison which announces forth coming events and reviews and interprets th e past week's ac ti viti es. Dead li nes a rc endless as th e nex t issue of th e Bison is begun even befor e the cUlTent issue is off th e press. Publicat ion wou ld be imposs ibl e without th e coo peration of students a nd teachers in g iving news tips a nd noti ces a nd w ithout He rma n \<Ves t 's cooperation in ma kin g up th e pa pe r. Last yea r a t th e Ark a nsas Co ll ege Publications Assoc iat ion meet ing held at th e Co llege of th e Oza rks in Cla rksv ill e, Arka nsas, th e Bison received the 1960 Swee psta kes awa rd . Th is yea r the Bison became a membe r of the Assoc ia ted Co llegja le Press and no\v rece ives two critic isms yea rly on the bas is of compa l-ison w ith other pa pers of th e same ty pe . U nd er the ca pa bl e directi on of editor Royce Bankhead and bu siness ma nager LaITy Ha nd, a pproximately 1500 copies of th e Bison we re printed and di stributed each Thursday a fte rn oo n . Pin awa rds for outstanding work we re presented to sta ff members a t th e a nnu a l ba nq uet cel ebrated a t the close of th e year. HELPING to pIon the BISON ore Ma rilyn Horvath, fea ture editor, Jim M iller, spo rts editor, and Virgi nia Leathe rwood. ossistant edito r.