STUDENT ASSOCIATION Student Association directs full year of activity SMILING Bob Jones , as President of the Student Association, provides leader· ship by his cont inual work, making "progress through service " his moNo. 122 Serving as a liaiso n between studen ts, fa culty, and administra tion is th e Student Assoc iati on Council. Composed of four elected offi ce rs and two representa ti ves of each class, thi s council meets each week to di scuss campus problems. Activities bega n the first week of school as th e Student Associa tion sponsored a fun c tion each ni ght in order to acq ua int new stud ents.w ith life a t Ha rding . Next cam e the picture boa rd, "Who's Who," introducing new students. Fes ti v iti es for Homecoming W eek we re pla nned by th e Council and culmina ted in a pa rade through downtown Searcy a nd the crowning of the Homecoming queen . La ter in the year the Coun cil sponsored a week of chapel p rograms centered a round the theme, "Youth Encounte rs," The Student Assoc ia tion Ca binet, composed of heads of the depa rtments of ac ti viti es, a ided th e Council in the nomination of stud ents for "Who' s Who Among Stud ents in Ame ri can Uni - ver siti es and Colleges." Indi vidua l ca binet members orga ni zed el ections, pa rti es, talent shows, relig ious activities, and out-o f-town fun cti ons. Projects directed by th e 1960-6 1 Council in - cluded sending Stan Shewma ker to Africa in tJ, e spring of 1960 and in 1961 th e insta lla tion of a sound sys tem in the college cafe teri a.