118 ALPHA CHI Honor society encourages superior scholarship My ra Ande rson Richard And.non Gerald Casey "Ye shall know th e truth a nd the truth sh all make you free," serves as a fittin g motto for the Alpha Chi Na ti onal H onor Schol a rship Soc iety. One of Harding's grea tes t honors i s member ship in th e na ti ona l orga ni za tion . T o be elig ible for Alpha Chi , a student must have completed 24 sem es ter hours of college work at Harding. Juni ors a re required to have a 3.70 ave rage on not less th an 80 semester hours, and seniors must h ave achi eved a 3.50 average on a t l east 104 semester hours. Impress ive ini tia ti on ri tes induc t new members twice each year. With the p rimary objecti ve of promoting schola rship, Alph a Chi members and faculty sponsor s, Dr. Joseph E. Pryor, Dr. Eva n U lrey, and Miss Anni e May Al ston, profit fro'm book revi ewing sess ions and o ther informati ve programs throughout the year. Sever a l m embers of the organi za tion a tte nded th e nation al convention at Centenary College in Shreveport, Louisiana, during th e spring. Ben Cu rtis Ba rbara Durling