STANDING serenely in the middle of campus, the fountain in the lily pool reflects moonl igh t as if il were spill ing molten metal. 10 PERSPECTIVE IN GROWTH Building program shows the growth of educational plant During the last twenty years the phys ical plant of Harding College has been greatly expanded. As the r esult of a successful campaign launched in 1948, many modem educational buildings have been construc ted. Rapidly succeeding each other wer e A,"mstrong Hall ( 1949), Beaumont M emorial Library ( 1950), Cathcart Ha ll and the Student Center ( 1951), the Administra tion Building and th e Music . Building ( 1952 ) , th e America n Studies Building, Echo Haven, and Sewell Hall ( 1953 ) , Graduate Hall ( 1956), and Married Students' Apartments and Alumni Field ( 1958 ) . A classroom building - the Bible Building - is be ing used for the first lime this year, and a new girls' dormitory, under construction now, is scheduled to be completed for use next September. Plans fOl" a new science building are bei ng formulated . Growth in phys ical facilities is indica tive of a school which is growing in other areas also. Harding's enrollment reached an all-time high this fall with 1065 college stud en ts. The faculty now numbers a pprox imately seventy, about onethird of whom hold a doctora te. WALKING in the invigorating freshness after a shower, couples find relief from the hours they have spent together st udy ing in the library. CARVED in bold relief on the new Bible Building is a statement of the sweeping purpose which serves os a reminder of the reason Harding come into existence.