BOB JONES, a pre-med student, is SA president, a member of Sub-T-16, Alpha Chi, and A Cappella. Bob was best all round for 1959-60 and junior dan pres ident. EDNA KNORE, on English ma jor, is president of Pi Kappa Delta and senior SA representative. Edna was Homecoming Queen and a member of the debo.te team. JOAN lYON is president of Phi Alpha Theta and editor of the PETIT JEAN . She is on English and history major and a member of the School of American Studies, Alpha Chi, and Zeta Rho. JOHN MILTON is a math major, vice-president of CURRY PEACOCK is SA vice-president, treasurer of Alpha Chi, and a member of A Cappella. John is a APK, a member of the School of American Studies, National Merit Scholar and caption editor of the annual. and the football team. His major is political science. DEAN PRIEST, a math major, is a for· mer president of Mohicans. He has 0150 sung in the Belles and Beaux quartet. 116