GERALD CASEY, on Engl ish major, is a member of the Mohican Club, A Cappello chorus, Sigma Delta PSi , and Alpha Chi. He is on the basketba ll ond track teams . AntINSON , a junior, is assistant business man· ft.e Petit Jean, activ. in A Cappella, and treasurer His ma jor is Biblical languages. CITTY, senior pre·med student, is a member of Sub· T· 16 the Varsity Club_ He is octive in Vorsity sports, is editor .. IpOrts ieCtion of the annual , and was junior favorite . whose major is molh, reenemislry ond molh awords and WOI named 10 Who' s Who, CLAUDETTE FAULK, a junior, is SA representative, member of A Cappella, chairman of the Big Sisters, and a former president of Oege. Her major is education. SARA GOOD, 0 psychology ma jor, is a member of Cege. A Cappello , and Ihe Dactylology Club. She is SA treasurer and was chosen for the Oriental tour . 115