1960-1961 Yearbook

JANE AARON , on elementary education major, is serving as secretory of the Student Association . She was also a homecoming a"endont and officer of WHC. WHO'S WHO GARY ACKERS, a chemistry and math major, was MYRA ANDERSON is a chemistry mOlor recipient of a grant for virus research , president of the and Notional Merit Scholar. She is presisophomore closs and a member of lambda Sigma. dent of Alpho Chi and in Beta Tau. Twenty-one students • who's who honor receive RICHARD ANDERSON, whose ma jor is chemistry, served as president of Alpha Ph i Kappa . He has participat - ed in intramural sports and was on the track team. 11 4 Eighteen seniors, two juniors, and one graduate student were chosen to receive one of the highest honors a college student may achieve, that of receiving a place in the annual publication, Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. This book, modeled after the original Who's Who, gives recognition to college students who have proved to be outstand ing. The Student Council submits a list of students - chosen on the basis of character, schola,·ship, leadership, parti cipation in extracurricular activit ies, and potentia l ity for future uscfulness to business and society - to the facu l ty for final selection. •