111111 SOPHOMORE J!cttl/ eobb ,Corrl/ ,Combert CHOSEN by Ih~;r Sophomore classmates ore quiet Betty Cobb and lorry lambert. Betty spends much of her lime with chorus and art, lorry with athletics and studying. 112 • FRESHMAN /Voito !leaH !krrl/kill 'Comml/ eorter CHEERFUL Naito Jean Berryhill. known for her pleasant disposition, shores honors as favorite with Tommy Corter, athletic president of Hard ing 's freshman doss. ~-<riYa ,7 - ., j .. - . • I iii 1 ' L . ~ l -, ... ~ l . -;- iii f .. F "IIII • .. ." •• 11 ••• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• I