MARALYN lAlLEY, junior elementary education major from EI Dorado. Arkon10s, shored Homecoming honors with Queen Edna and the Bisons. BEVERLY GATLIN , junior elementary education major from Paragould, Arkansas. was another member of the Royal Cou rt who cheered the team. loo!bnll }I0IJlCCOlJliH{! eOllr! lOB Edna Grace Knore, a senior speech major [rom Sciotoville, Ohio, was chosen by the students to reign as Homecoming Queen. Vibrant and expressive in both her actions and her words, Edna is successful as an active debater and a member of Pi Kappa Delta debate fraternity. As Student Association representative and a member of Gata social club Edna has kept closely aware of people's feelings and reactions, exhibiting personal composure and friendliness toward fellow students. Other members of the Homecoming court included Maralyn Bailey and Beverly Gatlin, attendants to the queen, and Jane Aaron, Lydia Goins, Betty Cobb, and Sheila Mitchell , class represen ta ti ves . Though the Homecoming parade and game were dampened by mist and rain, enthusiasm [or the cel ebration - and large umbrellas, too - kept spectators in good sp irits. CLASS ATTENDANTS Lydia Goins (Top left). Junior representotive, Beech Grove, Ark. Sheila Mitchell tTop f ight). Freshman representat ive, Culiman, Ala. Jane Aaron (Bottom left!. Senior representotive, letona, Ark. Betty Cobb (Bottom rightJ. Sophomore representative, Memphis, Tenn .