Miss fllllldelle llllllk nominee SUB T-16 Claudette Faulk, enthusiastic about much that life offers, enjoys being with others, and most of her activities are those in which people are directly involved . As junior women's representative, A Cappella chorus member, and Big Sister chairman, she accepts her responsibility to do her work well. nominee MOHICAN Ann Lucas, capable chemistry student, excels in many areas. 1959-60 recipient of the Ganus award [or outstanding scholarship, she shared recognition as 1960 PETIT JEAN honor student. A member of Regina, she won the intramural speech contest in prose reading. 104 Petit f/eoJt Queen and Attendants Miss (je(Jfflie f lll!lP(J(J/ nominee ALPHA EPSILON CHI Georgie Claypool possesses the drive and the ability to be accomplished in whatever area she tries. Successful chairman of the SA social commiltee, she has planned parties outstanding [or originality and entertainment. Her "Social Highlights" column in the BISON describes weekly club news.