GOWNED cnd woiting, the faculty cnd seniors o,~ lined from the entrance to Ihe Administration Building bock 10 Ihe library , preparing for that exercise which is both on end and a beginning. Only a speech and Ihe long, slow morch across the stoge for diplomas lie between seniors ond graduotes. -- who achieved Industrious and ambitious students and student groups are properly acknowl edged for their achievements of the past year on Honor and Recogn ition Day. Awards are given for superior work in drama, sports and scholastic achievement on this day. Chapel presentations thi s year included the award for intercollegiate sportsmanship, the recognitions for speech and debate teams and the awards for individual sports stars . The supreme award for the seniors is the diploma handed to them on graduation day. "A time for joy, a time for tears . . ." These mixed emotions are experienced by all on graduation day, but especially by the graduating sen iors. With prayerful intent they reflect on their past four years of study and a ntic ipate the challenges of the future. IN PRAYERFUL meditation Ihe graduates bow their heads 10 ellpress gratitude cnd ask for H is guiding hand 10 direct their separate ways.