- - who grew ... MONDAY night is a time when studenn gather in the balcony to worship under the direction of Brother Ritchie and gain faith to meet their problems . Just as our alma mater has made tremendous growth in many ways within U1C past four years, each freshman who enrolls at Ilarding College grows and develops during his four years as a student. He enters as a green, immature adolescent and graduates with a good libera l education ready for graduate or professional study or [or service in many areas. Rankings on national testing programs clearly indicate the intellectual growth that takes place as the Harding mean rises from well below Ul e national m ea n in · the freshman year to well above the national mean in subsequent years. Spiritual grOWUl is r evealed by the number of Harding graduates who become missionaries, preache rs, elders, and Bible teachers. Social growUl is dpmonstrated by th e well adjusted personalities and the happy homes characteristic of Harding graduates. Thi s growth is nurtured in many ways - high academic standards, inspirational talks, daily worship, association with fellow students and dedi cated teachers, participation in various activitics~ and motivation to achieve excellence and render service. HEADS bowed in a spirit of reverence, worshipers offer words of thonkfulnen and praise. During such periods of proyer and meditation the mutual tie that binds is felt by students and faculty alike. 98