1958-1959 Yearbook

FEBRUARY Every day crammed with numerous happenings The first week of Februa ry was overshadowed for some by th e mailing Ollt of Fall semester grades. But seventy-one students we "e honored by making the Dea n 's li st. The month was fl ooded with activities such as social club banqu e ts, a stud ent associ ation allschool party, a nd seve ral lyceums. Al so, students were allowed to a ttend th e f in al basketball game at Bee be. Electi ons we re held to choose the bes t all - round man and woman on campus and each class chose its favori tes. The firs t wa rm days of Sprint:( were hi ghly welcomed by m any students as they crowded into th e lily poo l for a mass ducking. ITi t:(h li ghting and bringi ng the month to a close was the a nnua l Spring m eet ing at the College church . This yea r Jimmy Allen was th e spea ker. GARY Ackers, student body secretory of The PayFor-A-Day development, is host 10 Mr. Glenn Green who is one of the many 10 finance a day 01 Harding. FOREIGN students toke on active port in all campus activity. The Home Economics Club was honored to have Cloudio Shewmaker, a resident of Africa, Taro Pot from India, and Yoriko Of usc, from Japan, 10 discuss home economics in their countries. The ponel was led by Martha Crowell . 90