DECEMBER Jolly season is terminated with welcome interlude "So much to do, so little time" ... debate, chorus. and America n Studies trip .... tests ... basketball games ... Christmas parties ... all were jam-packed into three short weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas. But despite the rush, the debate team came through with top honors, Ule basketball team won seven out of nine ga mes, and the A Cappella Chorus was well received on its faU tour in the Midwest. Christmas spirit ran hi gh as a big snow added the perfect touch to caroling parties and gift exchanging. Then, at last, came December 18. bringing the welcomed interlude of going home. SCHOOL spirit is high as the pep band leads the crowd in a fight song before the Arkansas A & M basketball game. The fans bocked the Bisons all the way 10 their sixth straight win . OLD MAN w inter transposed the campus inTO a while and icy playground. Despite the chill ot being hit by snowballs and rolled in the snow, most found the change in weather a delight. Above, Fred Martz and George Gurganus ore determined to douse jusl one more girl before the snow melts 82