1958-1959 Yearbook

VESPER services begin early in the foil of the year. Whether these include Ihe entire student body or on ly 5uilemoles Ihe devotional periods help 10 end each doy of activity with a feeling of Ihe nearness of God . They indeed play on importont role in strengThen ing Ihe lives on the Harding campus OCTOBER High spirits and personalities pervade Fall scenes As warm weather dominated the month of October and Mother Nature painted the trees red and gold, the days were perfect for tennis or a walk in the park. Every student welcomed the intramural football games and a choice of show nights. These were especially enjoyed with the coming of Pledge Week, which brought a siege of dating ... Honors were well spread across the campus with the announ cing of 1958-59 "Vho's Who winners and with the election of class officers ... The month's grand finale was the Bison All-Star football game played Halloween nigh t. PEALS of laughter fiU the air as linda Pritchett "steps ·' into the lily Pool for a quiCK wade. Jerry Burks is quite wilting 10 extend a helping hand