" STRONG armed man ,"' Benny Stephens. is on hand to direct freshman Jane Hickingbottam to her new home in Pottie Cobb. Mom. Dad, and Brother are eager to gel Ih ings moved in. but, when Ihal lasl pair of shoes and lost dress go inlo the closet and farewells ore said. Ihere is a moment of sadness. a sudden loneliness. Soon, however, these thoughts will be 1051 amid The e)(cilemenl of mak ing new friends , and beg in ning her first yeor of college life " SROKE AGAIN" thinks AI Lynds as he reaches the cashier. after he hos spent long hours counseling and standing in the 70 Registration fees may empty his rain. With this chore compleTed, pockets, but the end of the line is a welcome sight he can rela)( in the student center before classes stort