1958-1959 Yearbook

66 \ ,} Geneva Woller freshman Carolyn Weaver freshman J / Jim Walton Sophomore Walton Weaver Sophomore ' .. / j Oav,id Wardrup Freshman Dorothy West Junior Underclassmen Jack Warren Don Waters freshman Freshman Etta Moe Westbrook Joyce Westbrook Sophomore Freshman Judy Watson Sophomore Betty We sterholm Freshman d Ernest Wear. Sophomore Benny Wholey Sophomore 1 ARRIVING at Ihe junior doss Hodge.Podge porly ore Claudette DuBois and Jerry Jones A yes or no answer In this sofety pin game meo nt forfeITing 0 hord-won Treasure Has Bennie Porler token up palm-reading or palm. holding as on avocation ? The tno provided high dass ,ozz Alice White Mike While Nancy White Ronald White Yvonne White Fronci s Wh iteman Jone lewis Whiteman fres.hmon Junior Junior Freshman Junior Sophomore Junior Ronnie Whitfield Norma Widel Joe Wilkins Lindo Wilkins Helen Willburn Alice Williams James B. William5 Sophomore Sophomore Freshman Freshman Freshman Sophomore Junior