Ferra Sparks Marcus Speer Gerald Starling Dale Starr Roger Stephenson Alice Jean Stewart Mara Stocklon Junior Freshman Jun ior Junior Junior Junior Freshman Anita Slone Gerry Slone James Slone Andre Stotts Pat Street Phil Summerlin Jeriel Summitt Freshman Freshman Sophomore Sophomore Freshman Freshman Sophomore Underclassmen JERRY' Figgins and linda Hortman corry out the lunior closs prOteCT of planting trees 10 and Bonnie Johnson, proposed 'Springtime Down SOUTh" for the junior. senior banquet moti f the pork Theme commiITee Judy Pork!., Bennie Porlet Iris McElroy collects The fee wh ich ftnonces the bo nqueT Pat Sutherlin Carolyn Sweet lucile Swenson Nancy Talley Haro ld Tandy Paul Tarence Barbara Taylor Junior Sophomore Junior Sophomore Sophomore Jun io r Sophomore Benny Taylor Jimmy Taylor Dixie Tessmann Owain Tha cker Carole Thomas Norma Thomas Dwight Thompson Freshman Freshman Freshman Freshman Junior Freshman Sophomore