1958-1959 Yearbook

leo Shook Darre ll Silkman Owe ita Sill iman Bob Silvey John Simpson Shi rl e y Sisco Junior Sophomore Fre~hmon Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore Gory Sleege Davi d Smort Alyce Smith Bill Smith Bill y Mac Smith Brad Smith Freshmon Freshman Sophomore Junior Freshman Junior th rd year , student s have chosen their major f ield of study. Wilh their gao l defined, juniors are required 10 make more intense application in studying lion SIzemore wonts 10 f inish those assignments but sometimes the bod y dema nds its rest, in spite of repeated efforts of the mi nd 10 slick to studies. Cathy Smith Dea nn a Smith Freshman Sophomore lawrence Smith Sidn ey Smith Freshman Freshman Erma Smith Sophomore Su e Smith Sophomo re Gary Smith Freshman Ron Smotherman Junio r James Smith Freshman Ali ce Southe rn f reshma n J , rry Smith Freshman Mo rine Sparkman Freshma n 63