Kathy O'Connor Sophomore Ginny Organ Junior Bill O 'Daniel Junior Sylvester Overturf Sophomore Yoriko Of usa Junior Janet Beth Pace Freshman Underclassmen Dorothy Oliver Sophomore Jerry Pace Freshman William Oliver Junior Glynn Parker Freshman Joe Olree Junior Judy Parks Junior Peggy O 'Neal Freshman Glenda Parrott Freshman THIS panorama shot includes the complete cost of the sophomore· produced chapel program, valved the some spirit an'd act ion promoted by the closs Bob Silvey gave a convincing Listen To The People." The theme of the pageant in· performance as the dictator who sought to stifle freedom Jeutonne Potten Sophomore Anna Faye Pierce Freshman Pat Patterson Sophomore Durden Pierce Junior Curry Peacock Sophomore Elaine Pierce Freshman Bobby Pearrow Freshman Janet Pierce Junior Larry Peebles Junior R. E. Pitre Junior Donna Peugh Sophomore Ruth Plank Junior Jimmie Phillips Junior Tara Pol Sophomore