5terl Mock Sophomore Kenneth Murphey Junoor 10 pay for a day, S (1 four· page lobloid, Jeanette New Freshman 50lly Noel Sophomore Leo Montgomery Freshman Tolly Murphy Junior which was dedicaled The Spirit of ' 61 David Newell Freshman Jerel Noland Junior Marian Moore Janis Morton Toni Mou W . O . Mowery Freshman Freshman Freshman Sophomore Joe Murray Tom Myers S" Nonce Pat Neal Freshman Jun ior Freshman Freshman 10 I he school and its ideals, IS Noami Walker , closs secrelory - Ireasurer Another SOfa Good, news editor of the Bison, Jed other closs members in pulling out The poper Marye Lou Newman Nancy Jo Newman Ken Nicholson Cecile Nix Freshman Freshman Freshman Freshman Ken Normon Jim Norsworthy Kay Northcut Paula Obrecht Freshman Junior Sophomore Freshman 59