1958-1959 Yearbook

50 Ben Curtis Junior Grace Davis Junior Bob Dalton Freshman Mildred Davis Junior Myra Dasher Sophomore Slots Davis Sophomore Underclassmen PHI DelTa ette Fau lk rot!. Billy Donnell Sophomore Barbara Durling Freshman • ore commonded to entertain the supper l ine Pledges will endure anything 10 join a !.ocial Bobby Doty Earnest Douglass Freshman Sophomore William Duwe Carolyn Eades freshman freshman Bob Daugherty Sophomore Bobbie DeFoor Freshman Betty Davis Junior Bob Diles Sophomore Carolyn Davis Sophomore Judy Dishner Sophomore I 'I " Gloria Davi s Freshman Caroldine Doak Sophomore The rigors of pledge dutle!. are forgotten when the pledge dote is as attractive 0$ Cloud· dub If on the finol n ight, the pledge can eot row eggs he ogoin become!. human. Judith Dreher Claudette DuBois Robert Dunham Kenny Dunn Freshman Junior Freshman Freshman Gerald Ebker Gary Elliott Robert El ston faye England Junior Freshmon Freshman Freshman