Louis 8oylo:WI Freshman Joe 80zarth Junior Kenn eth 8radshaw Sammy 8rooks Jim Brown Roger 8rown Junior Ruth 8uchanan Sophomore 80bby 8ullard Sophomore Sophomore Don Bullok Freshman Sophomore Jerry Burks Freshmn n funds boosted freshman closs spirit with a fall party Students lostled m lo Pele Williams signifies to the group that he IS loyal 10 the Confederacy Davol 8utler Ron 8utterfield Sandra Byrd Ben Camp Freshman Sophomore Freshmon Sophomore Bill Cannon Jimmy Cannon Mike Canoy Bobby Carr Freshman Sophomore Junior Sophomore Junior Sarah 8urns Freshman Jane BUrlon Freshman line to receive entertainment--ossignment slips for a Finally, the winning scavenger team was honored. Pal Camp Jaclo: Campbe ll Sophomore Junior MaJ( Carter Pat Carter Freshman Freshman