UNDERCLASSMEN Lowerclassmen exuberantly sail into active year JUNIOR clo ss leaders Iris McElroy, M ike Maple, ond M ike W hi le, respectively the secretory- treosurer, vice-president ond president, planned w ith sponsor Ha rold Bow ie, the iun io r-senior banquet. '2 AN unqualified smile plus an ,I eagerness 10 be o f service made Corole Thomas a class favori te . Political science mOlor Bennie Porte r was ready with a hearty laugh or to listen to problems. ' 'Vith eyes focused on th e ir. se n ior yea r, th e jun iors were busy pl anning aca demi c prOgTams. The class proj ec t was planting pine trees in the college park . In the fall th e juniors had a panca ke breakfast at Camp Wy ldewood a nd in th e spring a "Hodge Podge" party in th e Eme ra ld Room . The hi ghlight of the year was the traditi ona l Juni or-Seni or banquet a t the Rendezvous. Profiting from a year of college ex peri ence, th e sophomores became th e mos t h ighly organi zed class in lTarding hi story w ith spec ia l comm ittees and a pres iden t's ca binet . The ir hig hli ght for the yea r was "Sophomor e Day" wh en they pa id for th at day i n th e " Pay-For-A-Day" program, presented a cha pel progr am . printed a class pa per, and concl uded the day with a pa rty. Freshmen bega n the yea r w ith a pa I"!y sponsor ed by the Student Assoc ia tion . The vigorous campai gn being waged by fI'eshmen politi c ia ns was indi cat ed by streamer s and placa rds eve rywh ere. The cla ss proj ect was a contributi on of two hundred dollar s to help build a concession sta nd a t Alumni Fi eld . They a n t ic ipa ted spring on M a rch 3 with a " Spring IIas Sprung" party and conclud ed. class acti vities with an outing to Camp Wy ldewood in M ay.