1958-1959 Yearbook

solemnly set sights beyond graduation a ,ff Gonus sponsored the '5gers through three yeors of their colHe reserved part of his schedule for out ings and parti es . Four yea rs ago anoth er herd of young, naive fresh - me n ar ri ved on canlpus, and again it was procla imed Ih a t freshmen we re ge tting younger and more naive every yea r. These freshmen soon made a place for th e rn se l v~s, howeve r, by the noi se of campai gns and, with the 11elp of oth e rs, by the frequent initiations into the fi sh pond. Tn th e blurred memory of the w hirl , two events sta nd out- the costume party and Ih p outing to vVy ldewood. Hpa rin g during the summe r that "a lillIe lea rnin g is a dang'crou s thing," a smaller but e nthu s iasti c g roup return ed to drink dee per. Thi s was th e yea r or th e grea t Arkansas monsoon, but not even rain Slopped a wienel- roast in the gym . Time was fl ee ing now_ and the il' third yea r was upon th em . The responsi bility of th e Junior-Senior banque t was theirs. and they chose as th e th eme "A Mid summer Night1s Dream. " A busy yea r \-vas di - ma xed by a ge t-toge lhe r a t th eir spon so r 's horne. Tlt ey ca me 280 strong, but only about 150 conqurrcd. Among th e mCITIories of the ir l as t yea r are Ihe cycl ing to \Vyldewood, the Juni or-Sen iOl- banque t. and Graduation Day. Sc hool had seemed almos t a s idelin e thi s yea r because of th e time -consumin gplans for th e future . Eagerl y, ye t re lu c tantly, th ey left to meet them . Joe Hightower mode possible a bicycle outing to Wyldewood for fried chicken The closs of '59 chose Vice-President Benny Stephens favorite for the second time ." Peachy:' Hightower, nicknamed since the first week of her freshman year, recorded sen ior news and dues. - - , _0-