1958-1959 Yearbook

. • .. r - , .' ~ ~ '- . - r' ~WJ , , • • \ . < . ,~ " ..... .., r~ • . -- . ~ . - !- Graduate School of Bible occupies this thirty -room manSion which wa s forme rly port of the King eSTa te. The mansion, a th reebmk bu dding situated on a sixty-acre campus, houses a chopel, library rooms, administra tive and teachers' offices, and a care taker's apartment . Thr p;raduate prog ram in Memphi s wa s begun til )') a'i all c:-.tcll sion of th e graduate school in ·togi,·r instruction in Bible and closely rel a ted III )C)-5 7. thi s prop;rmn was ex tended. and in Ih(' ('III ire p; raduatc school of Bibl e was moved 'Irmphi s as il secmcd beller suited for th a t wo r k. AI prosrllt th e sc hool consists of a three·s tory bri ck with thirty rooms and a one -s tor,V north siltlalrd on a beautiful wooded twe nty -fi ve ac re Othrr buildings ,,·ill be adderl as the sc hoo l Thr graduate prog- rarn ex ists to serve present alln iracirfs in g rea tcr Chri sti an se rv icc. It offers <llId,' of Bibl e and closely related subjrcts on a n d.·,,,,,·,,,1 acari r rni c Ie,·c r. T hree ~radua le de~rees a re offered . They ar e the M as te r of Arts. th e Mas ter of Rel ig ious Education. a nd the Bachelor of Sac red Liter a ture. The students may ch oose f rom four di vis ions: Bibli ca l, Doc trina l , Histori cal, and Prac ti ca l, with Bibli cal centra l in the curri culum . The Memphis a rea is we ll su iled [or student ex · perience in relig ious "vork . The many churches in th a t reg ion provid e opportun ity for preach i n ~, teach · in ~, di rec ling sing ing, engag ing in hospital work. and working unde r th e cId ers. vVith the ~oa l of serv ice be fore th em il is hoped th e students will help mee l I he eve r. in c reas in~ need of t he church all over th e world for more and more qu a lifi ed and demled l eadcrs. 29