duate students enrich intellectual atmosphere \\'ith the tran sfer of a ll gTaduate work in Bible ~ I rlllphi s, the number of wadu a tes on the Searcy "as reduced to twenty -six, They arc all in r lementary, secondary or admini s trative 1.1"" ,",;"" toward the Master of Arts degr ee, The prog-ram is cons tantly growi ll g and gives 111",,,,"<1 training in subject matter fields and in ""f.",j", 11") ('du ra ti on. Llllg cla sses, extensive research. writing of papers rharactc l'i zc th e wo rk of graduate s tudents, thol havc found outl ets during the yea ,' through Chincse supper prepared by one of their members th" fall, an outing to Tahkodah in April, and spontaneollS geL- log-ethers in the inn . Thr ~raduates wi ll be ser v ing in pu bli c and Chri srducalioll throu gh teaching and 8chninist ra li vc \ throughout th e coun try , the graduote students are expe<:ted to do quite a bit of resea rch, Floyd finds it necessary to spend many hours in the library. / BOTH Alumni from Har· ding, Ann Totum ond George Vue pause for a drink between nigh t classes" That graduates do more than study is illustrated by George "s being an eJlcelient ping " pang player and Ann"s being spring chairman of the in ter"dub council. 27