Member of 8 :f~<iJ>~ ~~§ ~;: """c\..~ ~5 /\:i?;Y Arkansas College Publications Association E. F. BRYANT IDEAL SHOP For the latest jewelry and smart campus fashions , shop at the IDEAL SHOP. Located Across From Pe nn e y's Life and Casualty Insurance Company Box 303 Home Phone 2166 Searcy, Arkansas OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS Of LIFE INSURANCE IN FORCE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION HARDING COLLEGE BUFORD TUCKER, Executive-Secretary A hearty we lcome is extended to the class of '59. Keep in contact with the Alumni Office and be a loya l supporter of your alma mater. Call on us whenever we ca n be of service to you. Or . Ulfey, Alumni Auoci ati on president , Buford Tucker , a nd severo l 5eniou di scuss plan s for Ihe senior party sponsored by Ihe a ssociation .