1958-1959 Yearbook

BEN RED STUDIO 117 W . Th ird Street little Rock , Arkansas Portrait - Commercial - Cand id Photogrophy Hay 14 , 1959 Students , Faculty , and StLff 'lardin[<: Co lleg e Searcy , Arkansas Dear Friends : I , la nt t o express my appreciation for you r coopera ti on w~en I was taking pi ctures fo r "our Pfo:TI T JEM1. I wish to congra tula te y ou f o r bein f the fine p eople you are . Let ne ur{-e you to order pictures from your p r oofs at an" time , for we keep your nepa - tives indefinitely . We want to serve you by supp l :ring the kind of photo b raphic servi ce y ou desire . When you are in Little Rock and need photo - g r ap hic , lork do ne , be s u r e to call a tour s tudio . We are proud of the record we have ma d e in Arkansas , and we wEnt to continue serving you . Thanks a Gain , a nd I hope to see you s oon . Sincerely , Pe n Red