1958-1959 Yearbook

Gospel Advocate Company NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE Publishers of Gospel Advocate - Since 1885 A 16-page periodical published each week and devoted to the truth of God. $3.00 a year. Gospel Literature Uniform Bible Lessons in ten courses from Kindergarten to Adult at low price - 1 Dc to 20c for each child, each quarter. Guides for teachers and additional materials available also . Vacation Bible School Materials. The Best In Books School and religious books - concordances, commentaries, dictionaries, histories, debates, Bible study books, gift books, and, in fact, everything in reliable books. Send for catalog. The Best In Bibles In King James , Revised, and Modern Translat ions. We carry Cambridge, Collins, Harper, Holman , Nelson, Oxford, and World Syndicate Bibles and Testaments at reasonable prices, prepaid. Send for catalog . Church Supplies Communion ware - trays, covers, glasses, fillers, and bread plates; communion bread; contribu tion plates and baskets - aluminum and wicker; hymnboards, Bible school registers, attendance materials, gold and silver pins, and many, many, other attractive, helpful economical things . Send for catalog. We Can Help You In planning church buildings, buying bulletin boards, purchasing seats, and hundreds of other things . Write us . Christian Hymns Number Two 452 songs. The hymnal used most among churches of Christ. High quality content, paper, and binding. $1.00 a copy in any quantity, prepa id. Many other song books and hymnals at very reasonable prices. The GA Book Club Send for particulars. ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SERVICE