Staff 2, .0 , "' III Mary Bacus Student Personnel Office Audean Baldwin Director, Ca thcart Hall Gwen Barker Secretory, Development Office Virgil Beckett Ass istant Registror Wanice Beckett Secretary, Edwin Hughes Geroia Beeson Secretary, Perry Mason Joon 8errykill Receptionist, Health Cente r Ornor Billier Field Representative Mackilee Boddy Secretory, Horold Bowie Rosalie Brown Secretory, W. l. Well borne Barbara Colson Secretory, Library Gertrude Dykes Manager, College Bookstore John Dykes Director , Student Center Mary Eckerbcrg Student Personnel Office Mabel French Supervi sor, Health Center Opal French Receptionist, Health Cenler Helen Gentry Bookkeeper, Business Office Wanda Gwin Secretory , B. J. Teague RUSSELL Simmons, PubliCity Director , and He rmon West, manager of the college print shop, examine copy for future publicity campaigns and the college bulletins. Coleene Hamplon Bookkeeper, Business Office William Hamplon Director, Graduate Hall Corinne Harl College Dietician Carole Hawkin s Accountant, Business Office Kaye Hillin Secretary, Alumni Office Margaret Jacob s Secretory, l. C. Sears