1958-1959 Yearbook

The large chorus is open to an y student in school who enjoys sing ing a nd who would like to join th e group. The main goa l is to improve co ngr egat ional singing and to prepa re those who mi g ht be pl a nning to obtain membership in th e small c horu s. The small chorus membe rship is ba sed on competitive tryouts as well as cha rac ter and schola rship . This year the tntal number of m embers wa s in - creased tn forty -e ig ht with fo rty of th ese membe rs participating in the a nnua l tour. Eac h week a pproxima tely three hours of prac ti ce a re spent by this group . The seco nd wee k of March bega n th e annual ten-day tnur . This yea r· th e Hardin /!; Co ll ege air-conditi oned bu s too k the choru s to Shreve por t and New Orl eans, LOll isiana, J acksun. M iss iss i ppj ~ and :vTemphi s_ Ten nessee. The ses tet and qu a r tet take sepa rate tri ps to sinp; for youth meeti ngs a nd banqu ets. Th is year t hey went to Littl e Rock a nd a lso pr-esen ted severa l programs fnr th e Ki wan is Clu b. EDDIE Bagge tt, Academy chorus di rector, discusses The slote choral feSTival music wi Th M orion Cawood and Carroll Osburn LARGE CHORUS. FIRST,ROW: Knott, Harris, M one s, Dunham. Roberts, G., West, Pow ell , Clark, M ill s, Dykes. Hodge. Hathcock. Estep, King, Ri singer, Cope. N ., Nevins, Edwards, M itchell , Cawood. SECOND ROW, Davis, Wi lson, Ely, Slop leton. Cox, A., Wallace , Bolch, Burks, Hughes, Cope, M ., Evans, English. Cowan, Mayer, Pullic.m, Bledsoe, Speak, Thompson, J. THI RD ROW , Pea rce, Hillhouse, Green, Callonen, Armor, M edina, Cosey, Rhodes, T., Brya nt, Ganus, Fecht, Ol iver, Collins, Berryhi ll , Rober ts, B., Cox, P., Houser. FOURTH ROW , Johnson, J., To te, Thompson, J., Lacy, Nevi ns, J., Osburn, Spaulding, Barnhart, Bu rke, Rhodes, P., Dean, Hoger, Lawson French, Narlhcut, Bales, M air, Niemeyer. FifTH ROW , Thompson , D., Johnson, W., M oore, Koonce , Wood, Worner, Bacon Rolston, Jenkins, McW illiams. 2 1 r