JAMfS D, BALES, PhD, a noted author and world troveler, has recently urn..d I' )m the For East, where he visited church missions and studied ~ ~m In those notions He is beginning The unique collection of ,doh Some of his other hobbies are collecting coins, stomps , and S, A. BEll , BA, Associate Professor Emeritus of Bible, rellremt:nr has greaTly enjoyed working with various forms of He olso tokes pride in his flower garden W . LESLIE Chairman of The Deparlment of Foreign languages, in connec· hIs work, is author of The syllabus The Christian life. For he en laYs hiking through the woods and driving CONARD BD. has served as a chaplain for three years in the U. S. Army; months of rhor time was spent in such countries as North Africa Ilo ly JOHN ROBUT McRAY, MA, was chosen by Ihe freshman os Iheir sponsor He has wri tten articles for the periodical North Chri stian and hos done work toward his 80 ANDY T. RITCHIE, hm been very instrumental in building Ihe spiritual life of the compus throuQh Monday niQht Personal EvanQelism closs and northeast. He is a sympathe t ic listener 10 those DONALD R. SIME, 80, sophomore closs sponsor , Sportsman , musician, flyer, aUThor Qre words LIllY ALEXANDER, 8A, while working on her MA, relaxes with and swimming ANNIE MAY ALSTON, MA, librarian, is a post of Arkansas library Association . She never tires of books as is her hobby which is reading . She is also on excellent hostess home and in the library FRANCES C. MURDOCK, 8SlS, in to her regular duties, is a talented flower arranger who does flora l dIsplays in the l ibrary Boles Hays ble, Religion, and Research .0 , , , - I ~- Bell McRay Burke Ritchie Sime A . J . Arnold and John French , ministerial students , find the G. C. 8rewer Memorial library. a p r ivaTe library donated to Harding , a source of spiritual edification and intellectual enrichment. Alexander Alston Murdock ttl If Ui~ /tC 5 1 \: {lUI fT:Oh TIl H, :t\( 21