IfTA CLUB. FIRST ROW, Cadron Burke, pres., lanny Cosey, v-pres., Nancy Knolt, sec.-treas., Dee Vonne Clark, Kay Edwards, latina Dykes. SECOND ROW, Timmy Rhodes, Rosemary Speak, linda Risinger, Annette Davis, Naito Jean Berryhill, Pot McWiliioms. THIRD ROW: Jimmie lawson, Johnny Jones, Sandy Mills, Mory leo Norlhcut, Phillip Rhodes, frank Ackers. fOURTH ROW, Betty Ely, Edmond leigh, Mary Ethel Boles, Mall: Hoger, Marion Cawood. HONOR Students, Timmy Rhodes and Mory leo Northcut, know that intense and accurate preparation of assignments is reworded by self-satisfaction and superior grades. CalJege will be their nell:t chalJenge in their learning. 207