1958-1959 Yearbook

ORGANIZATlONS Large participation in group interests adds to year CITIZENSHIP CLUB . FIRST ROW: Timmy Rhodes, pres., Tommy Bryant. v-pres., Nancy Knott, sec. · Treas., lindo Ris inger, Annette Davis. SECOND ROW: Perry Meson, sponsor, lonny Cosey, Naito Jean Berryhill, Sandy Mills. NOT PICTURED: Sid Tole. Once again th~ Academy C iti zenship Club hrlporl to ma ke anothf'r year a success by setting' as it, main objective' the promoting of a be tter relation· ship among s tud ents ann. to se rve as a ~o-bct\Y(,(,Jl amon g- the Ica cll c rs an d th e studcllts. One of tiJr clnb's ta sks is th e management of the snack bar pel-ioel each dfl.\' . The c rew cons ist s of fou r srnior" three jUlli()rs~ Lwo so phomor('s~ and one freshman. Door to doo r and store to s lor(' selling of snap is one of the proj cc t s the Key C lub enga!(cd in tn hrlp the sc hool. The Key C lub is a hi!(h school branch of the Kiwani s Club \Vith its goal of helping to kee p the sc h oo l building- in tip- top shapc and to prol11ote se n -icC' of CJlly kind in th e sc hool. Al10thrr projf'cl was a ca r wash to rai se mOIl('Y for th(' purc h asing- of th e jun io!" football tea m eq uipment 11('\t fa II. The Bc ta Club. w hicll sta nds for achic\omen!. c h a ra c tC'L and leade rship is a n honol' orp;anilat ion for those ,,\'110 maintain a "90" or above a\"('ra~{' for two consC'('u t i\,c s ix-\\·ccks. Two of it~ annua l activities arc bu y in g a frame for the sCllior pictures in the h all and a breakfas t for tho members. The honor s tudent s. Timmy Rhodes and Mary Lea Northcu\, ar~ two of th e outs tandin p; membc rs. KEY CLUS. fiRST ROW: Timmy Rhodes, pres., Carlton Burke, v-pres., Sid Tale, sec., Tommy Bryant. SECOND ROW: J immy Thompson, lanny Cosey, Joe Spaulding, Travis Jenkins. THIRD ROW: Johnny Jones, Pat McWilliams, Edmond leigh, Jimmy Johnson. FOURTH ROW: Roger lacy, Don Thompson, Corroll Osborn, Jerry Ne.... ins. NOT PICTURED: Chris Dean, J immy Hawkins, Richard Jenkins, Warren Johnson, Jon Perkins, Pot Rolston, Ken Simmon•• John Underwood. 206