STUDENT LIFE Study, parties, relaxation make satisfying season STUDIES ore forgotten as Don CorTer, Edmond leigh, John Womack, and SId Tole crowd around for a bedtime snack of popcorn and Cokes. A preview of co ll ege life was in store for over 50 per cent of a ll Acad emy students who were classified as the "boardingll students. These students soon l earned to take advantage or the close comradeship of dorm life with their innllllierilble pop co rn parti"s and bull sess ions. An up lifting experience in the dorms was the nig-htly vesper serv ices. All the high school crowd. howcv('r~ "yhether li\'inp: in the dorm 01' at horne in Sca l'cy~ found innu lTI rrahlr activit ies connected witii the Academy. The Acad cllly upon becoming beller acquainted w ith 011(\ a Jl o thc r~ chose its off i C('I's~ its favo rites, and its ":\1r. and Miss Ilarding Acad(,B1Y." The social clubs. in tum. chose their pledges, their banquet themes. and thei r proj ects. Relig ious activities were emphasized with regular church attenda nce, the fall and spring gospel meetings, the hym n s ings a t th e lily pond, and the per· sonal assoc iations. Other big events were in store for the Academy. There was the state choral a nd sta te band festivals, May Day at th e college with the Aca demy represented by two of its g irls, and Pe tit Jean Day when many here-ta-fore sec rets 'were revea led. NIGHTLY vesper services ore conducted in The reception room. Here all minds ore directed toward God through the Scripture reoding, the singing of hymns, and the prayers offered. This fellowship binds these girls close together in Christian love and centers each mind on the reol purpose of life. 200