1958-1959 Yearbook

SENIORS Senior memories dim in anticipation of graduation For four year s o f both happy and sad times the seniors have been wa iting for thi s year . Four years filled with cham s trips, banquets, chapel programs, football games, da tes, pl ays, bunking pa rti es, and other events whi ch .will not be fo rgotten . The seniors have seen many achieve lnents and changes come to th e Academy. Among th ese ar e the new curtain in the audi torium, th e snack ba r, top ra tings in choral ac t iv it ies, a nd the di strict footba ll ch ampionship. As freshmen , who cou ld forge t the pledging and th e newn ess of i t a ll ? Becoming sophomores, the class g rew a li t tl e a nd its project was to buy ma ts for th e entra nces to th e building . Tha t yea r everyone en joyed the pa rti es a t Jimmy T hompson' s house. The junior-seni or ba nque t serves as the reminder to th e junior yea r. Mr. J . E. Berryhill ancl Mrs. Andy Ritchie were the class sponsor s for the f resh man , sophomore, and juni or yea rs . Then, the senior year , Mr. Eddie Baggett a nd M rs. Ritchi e wer e sel ected . The class apprec ia ted very much the work and help of these cla ss sponsors. SENIOR class favorites were An nelte Davis and Timmy Rhodes CHOSEN by senior STudents 10 ossume the responsibilities and corry oul the wishes of the senior closs were Timmy Rhodes, preSident; Sid Tote, vice-presi dent; Nancy KnOff , secre tory; and Susan Collins, treasurer. Mrs. Andy T. Ri tchie and M r. Eddie BaggetT were selected as closs sponsors