1958-1959 Yearbook

THEODORE LLOYD, BA, assists with the athletic program in coaching senior boys· basketball and in helping to prepare the boys for track season. Nor only n coach, he hos lwo science classes and for !he lost year or so has wor ed with a Boy Scout troop in the city . .. INEZ PICKENS, BA, who teach s junior and senior English, encourages f-ier English students to a better understanding of its essentials and a greater appreciation of literary b auly. A delightful hobby of hers is collecting cups and saucers FLORENCE POWELL, MA, is a person very much interested in children as is shown by her aclivilies which greatly include them. She is the fourth grude teacher in the Elementary School and for -many years hos hod charge of o nurs ry age Sunday School class. Music is a source through which she finds njoyment and relaxation . .. CLAUDEAN RICHARDSON, BA, for two busy years a fifth grade teacher, has a place in her schedule for acting as sponsor of the STAR, girls' social club .. . KATHRYN RITCHIE, BA, exercises a "green thumb" in her spore time as she may be found working with flowers or plants when no grading geometry or algebra papers. The outdoors appeals to her and she considers hiking lo be a pleasurable activity ... MYRTLE ROWE, BA, is very well qualified for h r position as o 1 ocher, having worked in Africa nine een years wilh children in mission schools !here. An "every-now-and-then" game of scrobbl is always en1oyable to her . . . MYRLA RUSSELL, BA, business and typing insfrucfor, has the rewording hobby of collecting ··constructive quips" and u~ing them whe:-i the occus1on arises. She was seiected lost year as county delegare to the Notional NEA Convention in Philadelphia ... MAE ANN TUCKER, BA, mixes coring for her family and reaching of the school Home Economics in her doily routine but still manages time to sponsor the Pep Club and assist in sponsoring the freshman class ... HALLYE VANDERPOOL, BA, instructor in the speech department, this year directed the fifth annual Senior Play of which she hos charge each school term. She is active in Debate and Dramatic Club work and is sponsor of the junior class. Hoving an interesr in people, she Ii es letter-writing and enjoys family reunior.s. Lloyd Richardson Russell Pickens Ritchie Tucker Powell Rowe Vanderpool VAGUE mutterings ore 'heard in Mrs. Jchnson·s fifth period French class as students strive to master pronunciation . . Mrs. losoter's chemistry students learn that they must observe and chart accurate data on their experiments to interpret and make predictions of the test tube reactions. 191